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Cannabis Success Stories: Ron's journey

Flowertown (Editorial)

Crafting articulate narratives and informing curious consumers how cannabis works in a topsy-turvy industry.

Cannabis Success Stories: Ron's journey

As part of working at Flowertown, we created a series of success stories for the publication. This one focused on a man named Ron, whose use of cannabis allowed him to overcome a variety of illnesses, which left him with an inspiring and mind-opening tale to tell.

Low & Slow: The importance of learning your dosage

One of the main aspects of Flowertown’s editorial service is to provide education to new consumers in an industry that lacks clarity. One of the biggest issues for new consumers? How much is too much. In a series of interviews we covered topics like this and cut them up into easily digestible narratives packed with nutritional information.

Cannabis & Arthritis: Stories of powerful pain relief

Another one from the series above, featuring two powerful stories about how cannabis can help so many people in so many ways.